Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Midweek Reflections: On Spring In Las Vegas

‘Idál (Justice), 10 Jalál (Glory), 169 BE – Wednesday, April 18, 2012 about 5:50 PM Pacific Time

It is spring in Las Vegas and I have to start looking for someone to weed my lawn. I noticed this morning, when I rolled the trashcan to the curb that the weeds are growing. They are not yet out of hand, but they are growing. I suppose that this year I should consider a lawn service. The only problem is the cost.

I have a front and a backyard, so both need weeding. I do mean weeding because I have weeds rather then a lawn. I have not looked at the entire backyard yet. Yesterday afternoon I looked out my kitchen window and saw that green stuff (I presume weeds) growing through the stone of the unenclosed patio.

I still have to check the area between the house and the fence on the west side. There are oleanders growing along the fence. There are oleanders growing along all the fences in my backyard. I also have a couple of oleanders in the front yard. I would like to have all the oleanders removed, but the cost is prohibitive, especially when they will simply grow again from any roots left. Oh well, oleanders are pretty weeds, at least they have flowers.

Spring in Las Vegas
Birds singing and weeds growing
Temperatures increase

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