Saturday, March 03, 2012

Saturday morning tears in Las Vegas

Jalál (Glory), 2 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 168 BE – Saturday, March 3, 2012 about 3:55 AM

It’s Saturday, one of the two days during the week that I don’t have to get Mom up early to get ready for daycare. This morning she woke up about 1:55 AM crying. I don’t know why she was crying because when I ask her she didn’t know. She stopped crying. I put the oxygen tube in her nose and she started crying again.

Mom doesn’t think she needs the oxygen, so she take the tubes out. Mom doesn’t think she can sleep with them in her nose, therefore, she cries when I reinsert them in her nose. She calms down and I leave the room. About five or ten minutes later, she starts crying again. I go back in her room, she stops crying, and I reinsert the tubes. After a few minutes, she calms down and I leave the room.

This went on for about an hour. Mom finally went to sleep. However, I cannot go back to sleep, so I’m getting my day started. Once I’m awake there is no going back to sleep, so it doesn’t do me any good lying in bed staring at the ceiling. If I’m lucky, Mom will take a nap this afternoon and then I can take a nap.

Since I have a virus scan running while I am composing this entry, I’m not going to post it until later this morning.

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