Friday, March 09, 2012

Family History Friday: My Grandmother’s electric washer

Istiqlál (Independence), 8 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 168 BE – Friday, March 9, 2012 about 11:35 AM Pacific Time

I remember the first electric washing machine I ever saw. It sat in my Grandma Newland’s laundry room. It was not like the automatic washer I use today; Grandma’s washer agitated the dirty clothes, but did not rinse the clothes. Instead, Grandma would take the clothes out of the wash water, put them in a wringer, squeeze the water out, and then put the clothes through the first rinse.

Grandma rinsed her clothes in huge aluminum tubes. Grandma put her clothes through two rinses. After taking the clothes out of the washer and wringing the soapy water out of them, she put them in hot water to rinse the rest out the rest of the soap. After that, she put the clothes through the wringer a second time to squeeze water out of them and then put them in the second rinse.

In the second rinse, Grandma added several drops of “bluing”. She did this to make the clothes whiter, I am not sure how the bluing worked; however, it did work because the white shirts looked nicer and whiter after they came out of the second rinse. After Grandma took the clothes out of the second rinse and put them through the wringer again, she would hang them on the clothesline to dry.

I helped Grandma with the laundry sometimes, especially on Saturday. Grandma would stand right beside me when I went to use the wringer. She always cautioned me not be careful about getting my hand caught in it. I never did get my hand caught.

1 comment:

Anne said...

I do remember how wringer washer and put rubber diapers through that wringer diapers and explodes, and garments sometimes get stuck going around and around and around those wringers. I remember having to disassemble the whole wringer head to get something untangled. and I ruined a couple of shirts
Did you ever get anything caught in a wringer?or ruined a couple of shirts? Thanks for the reminders