Saturday, March 24, 2012

Inspirational Quote of the Week: Just keep on Keeping on

Jalál (Glory), 4 Bahá (Splendor), 169 BE – Saturday, March 24, 2012 about Sunset Pacific Time

Just keep on keeping on. ~ Unknown Author

I just have to keep going. No matter what difficulties throw themselves in front of me, I have to place my trust in God and just keep going. Today was an interesting and stressful day. At least, part of the day was stressful.

I got up in a positive mood. I took one of the recyclable bins to the curb and then rolled the trashcan to the curb about 5:30 AM. I picked up the newspaper, which I have not yet read. Then I sat down at the computer and got to work. Mom began stirring about 7:00 AM, so I went into her bedroom and got her up. As usual, Mom did not want to take her medication, but with persistence, she finally took the tablets.

The computer caused my stress today. The problem seems to be an unresponsive plug-in. I am not sure which one this time because the error messages did not give a name. Anyway, I turned the computer off and then turned it back on. It worked for a while, but then I had to turn it off and on again this afternoon. The computer seems to be working fine now.

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