Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Mumblings: A good beginning to the workweek

Kamál (Perfection), 6 Bahá (Splendor), 169 BE – Monday, March 26, 2012 about Sunset Pacific Time

This morning and early this afternoon, I had a bit of difficulty with my computer. I had to restart it several times and start two of the programs in the safe mode. However, things seem to be going well with my computer now.

This morning, I went to Smith’s Food and Drug store on the corner of Sahara and Maryland Parkway to pick up a prescription. After that, I went to pick up our Senior Food Allotment. I put the cheese and milk in the refrigerator.  The milk is in the shelf stable packaging; however, since we are going to drink some for breakfast tomorrow I wanted it to get cold.

There is also a package of spaghetti and I have four jars of spaghetti sauce in the cupboard. When I bought the sauce, it was on special and I had a coupon. Since I have so much pasta sauce, we will have spaghetti at least once this week. I will fix the spaghetti, without meat because we have canned chicken and I prefer beef with my spaghetti. Three of the pasta sauces are meat sauces, so that will satisfy my desire for meat with my spaghetti. If I change my mind or add something to the spaghetti, I will post the recipe.

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