Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reviewing January 2010

Jalál (Glory), 12 Sultán (Sovereignty), 166 BE – Saturday, January 30, 2010 about 2:24 PM Pacific Time

I know today isn't the last day of January, but I have to go to the laundromat tomorrow so I'm going to review January today. Las Vegas had more rain in January 2010 then in all 2009, as a result my car is clean on the outside. It rained so much in January that it washed all the dirt off my car, now the only thing I have left to do is clean the inside.

Numerous other interesting thins that happened during January. Last night was the Night of the Wolf Moon, the first full moon of the year. I went outside and looked up at the beautiful moon as it shown brightly through thin high clouds. I also saw Mars to the left of the moon.

In January, my mother's meds went up $3.00, the security payment down $3.00 and no they don't even out because Mom takes more then one prescription. Fortunately, my medication didn't go up, but now my mother pays more for her medication then I pay for mine. This is an interesting phenomenon because Mom has health insurance and I don't. My mother now pays $6.00 for her medication and I still pay $4.00 for mine.

On Wednesday, January 27, I renewed my car tag. After I got the smog test, I went to the DMV and used on of their kiosk, which accept debit cards, to renew my tag. It may be a little more difficult next year because on January 28, the DMV started asking for proof of insurance when you renew your tag. I have proof of insurance, but I didn't take it in with me on the 27th because it wasn't necessary.

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