Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Grandmother’s Mop

Istijlál (Majesty), 13 Mulk (Dominion), 166 BE – Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:24 PM Pacific Time

My grandmother's mop was a large piece of cloth taken from her ragbag. The mop handle was wooden and on the end was a way to fasten either a cloth or a spaghetti mop head. My grandmother always used a large piece of cloth. I thank the cloth was from an old blouse or dress because when cloths wore out she put piece of the clothing in her ragbag.

I remember my grandmother's mop fondly. As a child, I watched her mop the floor. The way she mopped her floor fascinated me. Grandma always used a rag mop rather then a spaghetti mop. She put a new rag mop in about once every couple of weeks or perhaps once a month.

Grandma filled the mop bucket and then she put mop in the bucket. Before she mopped the floor she would wring the mop out by hand and then mop. She put fresh hot water in the bucket with each room she mopped. Sometimes grandma would put bleach in the water, especially when she mopped the kitchen, laundry room, or the bathroom. However, most of the time she used a pine smelling cleaner in her mop water.

I think I will find a mop handle like my grandmother used and try mopping with a rag mop. I may not like it any better then I like a sponge mop or a spaghetti mop, but it will be a different experience. A rag mop will be a lot easier to wring out then a spaghetti mop. Since I already know three ways I don't like to mop a floor maybe I'll find a fourth way.

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