Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Friday the Thirteenth

Istiqlál (Independence), 7 Mulk (Dominion), 166 BE – Friday, February 13, 2009 about 12:31 PM Pacific Time

Happy Friday the Thirteenth. All right, so Friday the Thirteenth isn't usually a time to wish someone happiness. However, this is the first of three Friday the Thirteenths in 2009 so maybe it's time to take a different view of the day.

There are three months in 2009 that begin on a Sunday. Any month that begins on a Sunday has a Friday the Thirteenth in it. Since this is the first Friday the Thirteenth in 2009 it's also Blame Someone Else Day. So you can blame your problems on someone else without feeling guilty today. This is the only day of the year that a person can do this. The rest of the year one has to take responsibility for his or her situation and actions, but today is different because one can officially blame someone else.

I don't know who comes up with some of these intriguing and weird holidays, but it has to be someone else. At least today, it's someone else's fault.

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