Saturday, February 07, 2009

Maybe it's the Rain and the clouds

Jalál (Glory), 1 Mulk (Dominion), 165 BE – Saturday, February 7, 2009 about 3:26 PM Pacific Time

I'm in a down mood today. Perhaps it's the rain and the clouds that cause this mood. It's been raining all day. I look out of my living room window and see the clouds. The rain has given me an idea for a character.

I think I'll call the character Rain and have him or her born on a rainy day. Someone born on a rainy day ought to have a rainy mood. I know the day has affected my mood. Of course, winter affects my mood.

It's almost spring, another few weeks and the first day of spring will arrive. That will help my mood. However, I still have a character with a rainy day personality to put in a story. Perhaps a Science Fiction story, all though I have started it out as a Fantasy story.

It raining outside, the ground is wet and the water is running down the street. The rain has lasted most of the day. I still have to decide if I want my character to be male or female. I started out with a male character. His father, since the story started as a Fantasy story, had the title of Lord. I'm not happy with the way the story is going.

Perhaps the problem is my mood and the cloudy wet weather. I took some papers to the garage to put in the recyclable bin and got my feet wet. All right, maybe I should have changed my shoes. The shoes I am wearing have holes in the bottom and the water comes through. Actually, that sounds like a good way to start off a story.

How would the son or daughter of a Lord of whatever the name of the kingdom feel about getting his or her feet wet? A rich person would react differently to getting his or her feet wet then a poor person. All right, I'm brainstorming here. I do that when I'm not sure about the character or the story. Normally I don't brainstorm on-line, but I needed a blog entry today.

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