Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Microwave Finally Bit the Dust

Fidal (Grace), 13 Mulk (Dominion), 164 B.E. - Tuesday, February 19, 2008 about 9:33 AM PST

My Microwave oven went out yesterday. I checked the breakers to see if a break had tripped, but no luck. The Microwave is no longer working. I am going to have to either get another used microwave or buy a new one. This is not a good time for the Microwave to die, I just had the elm tree removed from the front yard and at the beginning of the month got a new set of tires for the car.

For the next few weeks, I will use the slow cooker or the toaster oven to cook everything in. That is unless I can find a used one on Freecycle or Vegas Trader. I have announced on Freecycle that I want a Microwave, but no responses yet. I have not ask on Vegas Trader yet because I am not sure what the budget will allow. I am going to miss that Microwave because I have enjoyed learning to cook new things in it.

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