Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Days of Há

Fidal (Grace), 1 Ayyam-i-Ha, 164 B.E. - Tuesday, February 26, 2008 about 8:38 AM PST

The Days of Há, Intercalary Days, have begun. This year is a leap year so there are five days instead of just four. These are the days Baha'is prepare for the Fast. Intercalary days are for charity, hospitality, and gift giving. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for Mom this year, we're probably going to remain home until February 29. On the 29th I take her to pick up her senior food allotment, but I don't think we're going until after 9:00 AM because we have to go to the bank first. I can't go anywhere without gas and I think I have just enough gas in the car to get us to the bank and then to the gas station.

Mom's birthday is March 19, I'm not sure what we're going to do for her birthday either. She wants to go out for pie and coffee, which would be nice. I'll see what we can do, she has a birthday coupon for Marie Calendar's, so we'll probably go there, but not until after March 1. That won't be a problem because neither Mom nor I are going to Fast. Mom's 86 going on 87 and she doesn't have to Fast anymore. I'm on medication so I don't have to Fast either.

Naw-Ruz is on March 21 that begins a New Year. I have to finish rewriting my personal mission statement before the 21st. I also have a lot of other things I have to finish before then. I'm going to be busy for the next few weeks and won't have time to worry about anything, which is probably good because worrying interferes with writing and solving problems.

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