Thursday, December 20, 2007

2008 is Coming

9 Masa'il 164 B.E. - Thursday, December 20, 2007 about 7:38 AM PST

2007 is almost over and 2008 is approaching. I don't celebrate New Years until Naw-Ruz, which fall on March 21. However, with my birthday on December 24 this is a good time to start considering the changes that have occurred in my life the past year.

On December 24, 2006 I turned sixty. On March 12, 2007 my mother went into the hospital. On March 19, 2007 Mom turned eighty-six years old in the operating room having a bowl resection. For the nine months from March 12 to November 12, I was under so much stress I felt like I was giving birth. The stress isn't gone, but I am putting everything in Baha'u'llah's hands and attempting to let go. Sometimes it seems like the situation is getting better and sometimes it appears just to have leveled off.

It's difficult for me to place everything in Baha'u'llah's hands and then stop worrying, but I'm working on it and achieving it sometimes. I think, that when one puts a situation on God's hands or the hands of one of his Reflections, such as Baha'u'llah or Christ, then you should stop worrying because the situation is taken care of. True there are things that one has to do, but those things can be figured out through prayer and meditation.

"He who puts his trust in God, God will suffice him;
He who fears God, God will send him relief."

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