Friday, December 07, 2007

Ice Water on a Cold Day

16 Qawl 164 B.E. - Friday, December 7, 2007 about 6:56 PM PST

I like my water cold, even on a cold day I like cold water. If it's not cold I put ice cubes in it. It doesn't matter that cold water makes me shiver, I still want my water cold. I like to drink it either cold from the refrigerator or I want ice cubes in it.

Today the electricity went off. The wind kick the power all over the neighborhood. Now you would think that I'd be worried about the meat in the freezer or the left overs in fridge itself. Not me, I worried that the ice cubes would melt. Thinking about it, it sounds silly, but that's what I worried about. I didn't open the fridge doors because I didn't want anything to defrost or spoil.

The power didn't stay off very long. Nothing in the fridge or the freezer spoiled or defrosted. Tomorrow I think I'll make Hobo Stew or Soup with the leftover in the fridge. Then I'll check the leftover in the freezer to see how they are. The should be alright, but I'm going to have to use them up before Christmas or New Year's.

The leftovers in the freezer haven't been there very long, but I don't want them going into the New Year. My grandmother always made sure she fixed all her leftovers before New Year's Day. If we had turkey or ham leftover from Thanksgiving or Christmas, she always fixed it before New Year's Day. Then on New Year's day we'd have black eyed peas with either turkey or ham.

I think I picked up the habit of drinking ice water on a cold day from my grandmother. When we had water with our meals, we had ice water whether it was winter or summer. She always put a few ice cubes in glasses. Of course she always got her drinking water from the kitchen faucet, so perhaps the ice made the water taste better.

Another thing my grandmother always had at meal time was a prayer or blessing. She called it saying grace (that sounds like a good title for a poem). My grandfather always said the blessing when he eat with us, if he was at work when we eat then grandma said grace.

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