Sunday, December 30, 2007

One thing I'm going to change

I know one thing I'm going to change and that's how I deal with those nights that I can't sleep. They occur maybe once or twice a year. I get sleepy and go to bed, but then lay the tossing and turning. I hear noises outside the house and noises inside the house. I get up to check the thermostat or check the door, which I know I locked. Then go back to bed to continue to toss and turn. Finally I get to sleep about dawn and then I sleep through the alarm.

My grandmother would get up and clean house. I think that from now on I'll do the same or get online. It's cold this time of year, but I have enough cloths that I can layer them and keep warm, besides doing housework keeps you warm. I'm probably better off doing housework and keeping warm then getting online and freezing.

There's probably a lot of other things I need to change, but that one thing I know for sure I'm going to change. I just thought of other things I could do when I can't sleep. I can get my prayer book and say prayers or read a book. If I give myself enough time I can probably think of a few more things.

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