Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My Birthday is Coming

14 Qawl 164 B.E. - Wednesday, December 5, 2007 about 8:24 PM PST

My birthday is on December 24. I seem to enjoy my birthday better now then I did when I was a child. Maybe it's because when I open presents now I can open them without my brothers or sister opening one of their Christmas presents. It could be that birthday's become more precious as you get older, approach sunset and the next world.

Christmas Eve birthday
the Christmas tree angel on
the top of my bookcase smiles.

I'm not sure what I'll do for this birthday. Maybe I'll stay home and read. I don't like driving on Christmas Eve because of the last minute Christmas shoppers and the traffic. I don't like going to stores on that day either, they're too crowded.

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