Sunday, December 23, 2007

My 60th Year is Coming to an End

13 Masa'il 164 B.E. - Sunday, December 23, 2007 about 7:52 PM PST

On December 24, somewhere between 11:45 PM and Midnight, I will turn 61. My 60th year hasn't been all that great. It's been stressful and test filled. I'm not sure how many of the tests I've past or failed. I'm going to have to look closely at what I've accomplished and didn't accomplish.

I didn't start out with specific goals. I worked my goals out during the year and I don't think that's the way to do them. I'm going to set some specific goals for my 61st year. I have a list of things to accomplish in my 6th decade. I also have a 101 Things to do in 1001 Days. Some of the items on my 6th decade list are on the 1001 Days lists.

One of the things on both list is to set a schedule and live by it for nineteen days. That's a short enough time to work with. The nice thing about a nineteen day schedule is you reevaluate it sooner then a thirty day schedule. I'm not sure how I'm going to do on it, but I'm going to try. If I don't achieve it the first time then I can start again the next Baha'i month.

I'm looking forward to my 61st year, I'm presuming it's going to be better then my 60th year. There is always hope, I do know that my faith is stronger now then twelve months ago. I still have issues, but I'm working them out.

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