Saturday, December 29, 2007

I am Prepared for January 1, 2008

19 Masa'il 164 B.E. - Saturday, December 29, 2007 about 7:57 PM PST

I am prepared for New Year's Day 2008. I have a package of blackeyed peas and a jalapeno peppers. My grandmother didn't put jalapenos in her blackeyed peas, but I do. Grandma made blackeyed peas with pigs feet and that was it. She didn't add much else to it. I didn't get any pigs feet when I went to the store today. I'll have to get them Sunday, when I go after the filter for the air conditioner.

My grandmother made a shopping list when she went to the store, so she didn't forget anything. She didn't get anything extra either. I don't make a shopping list so I forget some things and get extra stuff. It's not the extra items that are the problem, it's forgetting items you need. Actually I hadn't planned on putting pigs feet in the blackeyed peas. I have a can of beef in the cupboard that I intended to open and put a little in the slow cooker with the peas. However, in reviewing the idea, I think pigs feet would be better then canned beef.

My New Years dinner will be creamed corn, blackeyed peas, sweet potatoes, beef with rice and Taco seasoning and chocolate bunt cake. I think that's it for New Year's Day 2008, while January 1 isn't the New Year's Day I celebrate it's difficult to break some traditions. Grandma always had blackeyed peas on January 1, so I continue to make them on the first of January every year.

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