Wednesday, December 03, 2008

My Mother Got Her Dentures Yesterday

‘Idál (Justice), 11 Qawl (Speech), 165 B.E. – Wednesday, December 3, 2008 about 4:28 PM Pacific Time

I didn't work yesterday because I had to take off to get Mom to the dentist. She got her new dentures and she tells me they feel good. It's nice to see her smile again. She didn't smile much with her old set because there were some teeth missing and she just never got them fixed. However, she smiles now and she has a beautiful smile.

I have a dentist appointment on December 9, to have my upper teeth pulled and a set of dentures put in. I'm going to work that morning and then go to the dentist in the afternoon. My appointment is for 1:00 PM and it will take two hours. I'm planning on going to work the next day. I don't car how bad the pain is, I'm still going to work. At least, those are my plans today; come December 9 at 4:00 PM I may change my mind.

I don't know why I would change my mind because I'm used to pain now. My right knee still hurts and it hurts worse on these cold nights. However, pain in the knee is different from pain in the mouth. I doubt that I'll change my mind because December 12 is my last day of work for this semester and this year. I'll have three weeks off without a paycheck. Oh well, the important thing is Mom has her new teeth and I will have part of mine next week.

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