Monday, December 22, 2008

Wind chill factor on a hazy day

Kamál (Perfection), 11 Masa’il (Questions), 165 BE – Monday, December 22, 2008 about 3:10 PM Pacific Time

I don't remember hazy days in Oklahoma. Of course, my childhood was a long time ago. Perhaps I just remember the clouds and the snow. I enjoyed the snow when I was a child. Then the snow didn't seem as cold then as it does now. Perhaps I just didn't notice the cold then the way I do now.

I have a gift card for Chills and I'm going to use it for my birthday dinner. I don't think we'll go out on my birthday, which is on Wednesday. We don't go out to eat on my birthday. When I have a car I don't car to drive in the Christmas Eve traffic because there are too many last minute Christmas shoppers.

We'll either go out Friday, the day after Christmas or next Monday. This year I think I'll start with desert first instead of going for the main course right away. I've never eat desert before my meal before, it would be a new experience.

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