Saturday, November 08, 2008

Transformation is a Pain

Jalál (Glory), 5 Qudrat (Power), 165 B.E. – Saturday, November 8, 2008 about 7:01 AM Pacific Time.

Transformation is a pain! Lately transformation and learning patience has been a pain in my left knee. This morning I realized that my right leg is also hurting from all the walking I've been doing over the past several weeks. I'm not sure how long I've been without a car, but it's been a few weeks anyway.

I finally received notification that I can use the Paratransit bus under certain conditions. I haven't received my ID yet, but that should be here soon. When I do receive it, I'm going to get a 30-day bus pass so that I can use the CAT bus when I can't use the Paratransit bus. My mother has a Paratransit ID, so I'm going to get her a 30-day pass as well.

I'm behind on everything in November and today is the 8th. I think the best way for me to get anything accomplished is a "To Do List" and then check off the items as I accomplish them. I've never been a list maker, but at 61 almost 62, I'm going to have to start or I'm not going to get anything done.

It takes longer to get everywhere without a car. It's more painful (at least for me) to walk with my left knee. Now my other leg is beginning to hurt, but I think that's because of all the walking. I'll have to discuss that with my doctor at the next appointment, but before then I have a dental appointment to have my upper teeth pulled and new dentures put in.

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