Monday, November 17, 2008

A Beautiful Autumn Day in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 14 Qudrat (Power), 165 B.E. – Monday, November 17, 2008 about 4:16 PM Pacific Time

It's a beautiful autumn day in Las Vegas. The temperatures got up to about 80 degrees. There is no wind to speak of, perhaps a little breeze but nothing more. When I go out to wait for my Paratransit ride to work in the morning I don't shiver with the cold.

It's a beautiful autumn day in Las Vegas. The leaves are still green and this morning I heard birds singing. I also heard a train whistle echoing. I saw a neighbor walking his two dogs.

It's a beautiful autumn day in Las Vegas. I miss the changing colors of the leaves. When I was a child in Oklahoma, the leaves changed color around this time of year. It's almost Thanksgiving and the leaves on the neighbors oak tree are still green.

It's a beautiful autumn day in Las Vegas. Thanksgiving is next week and I miss the change in the seasons. It doesn't feel like autumn rather it feels more like spring. I don't think I miss the snow, all though it hasn't snowed on Mount Charleston yet so I'm not sure whether I miss the snow or not. Right now, I miss the changing colors of the leaves.

1 comment:

nothingpetty said...

I am not so appreciative of Autumn. Autumn means Winter is coming up the walk and I've never known a more unwelcome guest.