Monday, September 29, 2014

Meditation Monday: Day 1 of 95-Day Gratitude Challenge

Kamal (Perfection), 3 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE - Monday, September 29, 2014 about 4:40 pm Pacific Daylight Time

This is the first day of my 95-day Gratitude Challenge and I am blessed. This is the third day in a row I have not had to turn on the cool air the keep my computer and myself cool. I found the food list for my low potassium, low protein, and low phosphorus diet. I was able to meditate for five minutes this morning without falling asleep or my mind going into fantasy mode.

It is a beautiful day with the birds singing and the police car lights flashing. I do not know why there are so many black and white unites in this neighborhood on a Monday afternoon. Normally all you see is a police car driving down the street on its normal rounds of the neighborhood. However, there are uniformed officers and I think there may be an officer without a regular uniform out there, but I am not sure.

It is a beautiful day to have my front door open to let in the fresh air and see what is going on without having to get up form the computer to open the door or look out the window. I have encountered so many blessing today that I cannot list them all. Therefore, I will bring this entry to a close and go on to something else.

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