Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Midweek Reflections: Melancholy Wednesday

'Idal (Justice), 15 Asma (Names), 171 BE - Wednesday, September 3, 2014 about 8:15 am Pacific Daylight Time

Melancholy Wednesday
shadows descend on my mind:
Do I want to cry?

I listed to the echoes of the Republic Service trash collection trucks reverberating though the neighborhood. The trucks drive down the alleys or through the streets stopping at every trash receptacle or dumpster, depending on whether there are apartment building or residential houses. Their presence does not lighten my mood or bring me joy.

Melancholy Wednesday
Metro helicopter flying over
my neighborhood.

Metro helicopter just flew above this neighborhood. The copter was not looking for anyone in his neighborhood because they flew too high and too fast to see anything of interest. The blades of the helicopter cutting through the warm morning air does not lighten my mood.

Melancholy Wednesday
prayer and God's Most Great Name intoned
I smile as I listen
to the neighborhood noises.

The only thing that lightens my mood this morning is prayer and coffee. I am guaranteed to smile when I pray and then have my morning cup of hot or iced java. It looks like it is going to be a nice day after all.

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