Thursday, September 04, 2014

Thankful Thursday: The First Thankful Thursday in September

Istijlal (Majesty), 16 Asma (Names), 171 BE - Thursday, September 4, 2014 about 3:53 pm Pacific Daylight Time

On the first thankful Thursday in September,
I pause
to whisper a prayer,
to give thanks for another day
of life.

On the first thankful Thursday in September,
I am thankful
for the leather medicine bag
a friend made for me
before he passed
into the heavenly abode.

On the first thankful Thursday in September,
I give thanks
that I have my Mother's
pink prayer beads
to use
when I intone God's Most Great Name.

On the first thankful Thursday in September,
I realize
that I have a great deal
to be thankful for.

On the first thankful Thursday in September,
I give thanks
that the breaks on my car work;
that I have spinach cooking
in the electric skillet;
and that I wrote my first
Steampunk poem yesterday.

On the first thankful Thursday in September,
I am grateful
for the rooster
that crows every morning;
for the birds
singing in the pine trees;
for the palm tress
waving their fronds;
for the beautiful
Las Vegas sunshine;
and for the picture of 'Abdu'l-Baha
that is next to my keyboard.

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