Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Midweek Reflections: Day 3 of my 95-Day Gratitude Challenge

'Idal (Justice), 5 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE - Wednesday, October 1, 2014 about 12:52 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Today's gratitude challenge activity is a bit of a challenge (I couldn't resist that) because I decided to change the format for today. Today I'm writing an alphabetical list of everything I am grateful for. I have A, B, C, and D completed. I am searching for an E, but I can't seem to think of one at the moment. Eventually I will find an E word or an E items to list. Then I can get on with the rest of the list.

I don't feel I should go out of alphabetical order on this. If I do then I'll just have to go back and put in the E item. Writing this list is like writing a poem when I can't find the perfect word or the right word to complete the thought of a line or stanza. It can be frustrating, so I think I will get away from the writing for a few minutes and do something else. I may not get back online until after 5:30 pm because I have a grief counselling group meeting at 4:00 pm. I'm excited to tell them about my newest project which is the 95-day Gratitude Challenge.

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