Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Making Changes in my life

‘Idál (Justice), 1 Ayyám-i-Há (The Days of Há), 170 BE - Wednesday, February 26, 2014 about 3:21 pm Pacific Standard Time

Two days left in February 2014 and then March begins. March the month of winds; will it come in like a lamb or a lion? I am making some drastic changes in my life and attitude. I have decided to go the the gym four days a week to work out. Right now my workout schedule is Monday and Wednesday at 1:00 am and Tuesday and Thursday at 3:00 pm.

I have two doctors appointment scheduled in March. The first is on Tuesday, March 11, at 1:00 pm and the second is on Monday, March 17, at 1:00 pm. I also have a grief counseling meeting on Wednesday, March 5. at 4:00 pm, and another on March 19 (also a Wednesday) at 4:00 pm. The other things I have to do, is go to a couple of the food banks to pick up food and do laundry, either once a week or twice a month. I don't know what the laundry schedule will be as yet because it depends on having quarters for the washers and the dryers.

My finances are going to be tight again in March, but I think this may be a continuing theme. I have to find a way to make some more money, so I need to schedule time to do paying online surveys and submit some of my stories and poems for publication. I wish I could get a part time job outside the house, but that may have to weight until I've had several gym sessions and built up my ability to walk for more then a few feet before becoming winded and tired.

Before I go to bed tonight, I'll set up my March calendar with the things I know I'll be doing. It's the unknowns that usually throw the schedule off. No matter how busy I am in March, I still have housework and writing to do, so I'll need a schedule rather then just taking thing hit or miss.

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