Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Day Two In my New Apartment

‘Idál (Justice), 18 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 170 BE - Tuesday, February 4, 2014 about 8:10 pm Pacific Standard Time

It's late Tuesday evening and I'm attempting to catch up on the writing and reviewing I didn't accomplish yesterday. Since I had no internet because of the move I couldn't get on line yesterday or half of today. I'm not sure how much I'll catch up tonight or tomorrow because I still have somethings to move out of the house and then I have some business to attend to before getting back to my apartment or going to my grief counseling meeting tomorrow afternoon.

I'm tired because moving is hard and painful work. I think the move this time was more stressful then the last because I had to downsize and Mom wasn't there to encourage me.  My sister helped, but the move was still stressful. The pain was mostly in my knees because of the osteoarthritis, but even with that this move seemed harder then the last. I have other health issues so that could have cause some of the problem.

I'm in the new apartment now. I'm getting used to the noises of a new neighborhood. The newness of the neighborhood and living in a studio apartment should give me some new subjects for my writing. I know I'll have to increase my income. I know I'll have to get used to living in a small apartment. I've started a list of the things I'll need if I ever get the money to purchase them. Sometimes I wonder how I'll get by financially; however, I can't let worry interfere with finding a solution to my financial problem. The only thing I can do is pray and work.

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