Saturday, September 01, 2012

Alzheimer’s disease: A Caregiver’s Saturday Mo

Jalál (Glory), 13 Asmá’ (Names), 169 BE – Saturday, September 1, 2012 about 11:05 AM Pacific Time

It is Saturday morning; I have fixed Mom her first breakfast and given her all her morning meds. For her first breakfast Mom at sliced strawberries and banana. I am not sure what I will fix for Mom’s second breakfast perhaps scrambled eggs and toast or maybe a bagel, all though, Mom might like dry cereal and a jelly sandwich.

This morning, Mom and I discussed what she would like me to call her. I was calling her Mom, but she never answered me. At first, I thought it was because she was having difficultly hearing me even with her hearing aids in her ears. The problem was not Mom’s hearing difficulty she was hearing the question. Mom did not realize I was talking to her because she had forgotten I am her daughter.

After a bit of discussion, we settled upon Marie. Marie is my mother’s first name. From now on I have to remember to call her Marie, at least until she stop answering me when I address her by that name. I suppose then I can go back to calling her Mom. I do not feel like crying because this I expected to encounter this issue.

My mother has Alzheimer’s disease. I understood that she would eventually forget who I am. Mom will eventually forget a great deal more. It is sad that such a wonderful woman as my mother will forget her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. It is sad that two of Mom’s grandsons and her great grandchildren will never know the wonderful woman she was before Alzheimer’s disease began destroying her memories.

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