Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Tired Tuesday: Butting my head against a virtual wall

Fidál (Grace), 16 Asmá’ (Names), 169 BE – Tuesday, September 4, 2012 about 1:55 PM Pacific Time

It is Tuesday afternoon and my system is almost as slow as it was this morning. The only difference I can see is that I am now able to access the Internet; my browser works this after noon. I spent the morning butting my head against a virtual wall.

I am not sure what caused the problem this morning because sometimes I could access the Internet, but not all the time. Whatever the issues it sometimes prevented, me from accessing the Internet and at other times let me go online.

I am tired, but I cannot stop now. I have until about 3:00 PM to finish writing and then posting. I may put off one of the post until later this evening. I doubt that the speed with pick up, but since Mom gets home between 3:00 and 3:30 PM I have to get off line in about an hour.

My system is always slow, but today it seems like it is slower then normal. I will do what I can before I have to get off the computer. I doubt that I will accomplish too much more then I have.

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