Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Meditations: Cloud Shapes

Kamál (Perfection), 3 ‘Izzat (Might), 169 BE – Monday, September 10, 2012 about 5:30 PM Pacific Time

I look out my living room window and I watch the clouds. One of the clouds has the shape like a giant prehistoric bird. Another looks like a dragon flying across the sky. As they move toward the west, toward the sunset they change shapes. One cloud looks like the head of a pig and another like a fish.

Watching the clouds change shape as they move across the sky is calming. My mind becomes tranquil as I watch their shape morph from one creature to the next. As I watch them, memories of my childhood return, memories of Mom and me sitting in the porch of our house in Blackwell, Oklahoma. We sit and watched the clouds change shape on a late summer afternoon. We commented on the shapes we saw in the clouds.

This afternoon, as I look out my living room window and watch the clouds changes shape I miss the days when Mom’s mind was sharp. I miss the days when Mom and I could have an intelligent conversation about the shapes of clouds. I miss the woman my mother was before Alzheimer’s disease robed her of her memory and ability to hold a conversation about one subject without becoming distracted. I watch the clouds and pray that someday medical science will find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.

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