Monday, September 24, 2012

The Last Monday in September

Kamal (Perfection), 17 'Izzat (Might), 169 B.E. - Monday, September 24, 2012 about 9:11 A.M. Pacific Time

It is the last Monday in September 2012 and there are three months left on the calendar. Today, the daycare bus is late  picking Mom up. Mom is all ready to go, I have given her all the meds she takes at home. She had a bowl of cereal when she took them and now she is sitting in her wheelchair waiting for the bus.

It is the last Monday in September and I have that autumn feeling. I miss the woman my mother was before the Alzheimer's disease devastated her memory and her emotions. Right now, Mom is in a good mood. She is not crying and she wants to get out of the wheelchair. I do not know what she wants to do because all she says is that she wants to get up. I wish Mom could get out of the wheelchair and walk on her own.

I am hungry, so I need to go fix me something to eat. Sometimes I eat cereal with Mom and sometimes I wait until after she leaves for the daycare center to fix me something to eat. However, I cannot leave Mom alone in the living room for more then a few minutes because she wants to get out of the wheelchair. Mom has difficulty getting up using the walker and with help from me or someone else. However, she does not understand or remember this.

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