Monday, July 23, 2012

Sometime I wonder: Thoughts about Alzheimer’s disease

Kamál (Perfection), 11 Kalimát (Words), 169 BE – Monday, July 23, 2012 about 4:20 PM Pacific Time

Sometimes, when I am talking to Mom I wonder what she is talking about; this afternoon for instance. Mom came home and she was in a grumpy mood. She ask why she was locked in. However, she was in her wheelchair and was unlocked. She could have been referring to the way we secure the wheelchair we when she is in the van. She could have been referring to something that happened in her childhood. She could have been referring to a dream or an illusion. I have no idea.

Sometimes, I wonder if Mom thinks she is talking to me (her daughter) or to her mother. I know that sometimes, especially when she wakes up from a bad dream she thinks I am her mother. When Mom needs something in the middle of the night, she usually calls me by my name. There are times, when she does call for her mother and when I go into her bedroom to see what she wants, she acts as if I am her mother.

The Alzheimer’s disease is the problem. She does not remember that her parents are dead. She still wants to see them. Another thing is that Mom does not realize where she is living. Sometimes, she asks when she is going home. There is no use informing her that she is home because Mom insists otherwise. At these times, I just tell her tomorrow. Mom forgets she ask the question and the next day she is worried about something else.

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