Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Water in Las Vegas

Fidál (Grace), 1 Núr (Light), 169 BE – Tuesday, May 5, 2012 about 6:00 PM

It’s Tuesday afternoon and the Las Vegas Valley Water district is considering raising the water bill again. A few months ago, they added an infrastructure charge of approximately $5.00. This brought our water bill up to about $20.00.

All right, $20.00 a month doesn’t seem like a lot. Actually, $20.00 isn’t a lot of money, I put $20.00 of gas in my car about every two weeks (it doesn’t fill the tank up; if I filled the gas tank up every month it would cost about $50.00). The problem is, that Mom and I are living on a fixed income and those $20.00 bills add up.

If the water bill goes up another $5.00 or $10.00, we’ll have to cut down on something else. I’m not sure what that would be. Right now, we do laundry everyday. If cut down to once or twice a week that just means doing more loads on those days. I suppose I could cut down to small loads instead of large loads. That would work unless I’m washing bed linen.

Oh well, I’ll figure out something. We’ve already cut down on going out to eat. I can use more coupons when it comes to buying laundry detergent. When I use the coupons, buy the smallest bottles or jugs that the coupons allows. I have a while to consider my options because the next reading of the meter is June 17, which means the next bill is due sometime in July; probably around July 18. However, the bill will arrive in my mailbox or inbox about June 23. Until then I will continue washing clothes as I normally do.

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