Wednesday, June 06, 2012

I am walking like a zombie

‘Idál (Justice), 2 Núr (Light), 169 BE – Wednesday, May 6, 2012 about 3:40 Pacific Time

I have a three layer, knee-high bandage on my left leg. I have osteoarthritis in my right knee. The best way to describe my walk is stiff and zombie-like. It looks as if I’m in pain, but most of the time I’m stiff. It is an effort, especially this time of year in Las Vegas.

I try to park as close to the door of a supermarket or bank as possible, but most of the time the parking closest to the doors are full. In these situations, I have to take whatever parking place I can. When I go to the grocery story, I usually try to park close to where the shopping carts are because I can lean on the cart as I push it into the store.

I haven’t tried the motorized carts the supermarkets have yet, but I may in the near future. The problem I find with those carts is that I can reach only the middle and lower shelves when sitting in them. I like to buy thing from the top shelves, so using the cart means I have to get up and down. I’d rather just push a regular cart rather then get up and down.

Pushing the shopping cart doesn’t change the way I walk. I still walk like a zombie. I expect I will have the stiff zombie shamble the rest of my lie. As I’ve said before, getting old isn’t for wimps.

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