Sunday, August 14, 2011

The choice between laundry and fresh vegetables

Jamál (Beauty), 14 Kamál (Perfection), 167 BE – Sunday, August 14, 2011 about 9:30 AM Pacific Time

The choice this month is washing laundry and having fresh vegetables on the table. I know that sounds like a weird choice to have to make, but that is the choice. There is enough money in one account to pay the Power bill and go to the laundromat or buy fresh vegetables.

I like fresh vegetables and my mother likes them, we also like to have clean cloths. In the refrigerator, I have a bag of celery, a head of cabbage, two zucchini, and an individual watermelon. In the freezer, I have lima beans, green beans, corn, and a bag of beans. I might be able to spread those items over a week, depending on how hungry Mom and I get during that week. After that, my only option is to use canned vegetables for the rest of the month and probably next month as well.

I will pay the power bill online and then on Monday or Tuesday, I will go to the bank and get $20.00 to do the laundry. Considering I will have about four basket of laundry by then, it will mean going to the laundromat two days this week. I will be so glad when the drainpipe behind the washer is fixed because then I can do laundry at home.

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