Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Osteoarthritis of the Knee

‘Idál (Justice), 19 Núr (Light), 167 BE – Wednesday, June 23, 2010 about 9:23 AM Pacific Time

I have osteoarthritis in my right knee. The pain, to some degree, is always present. It is difficult to do housework, to stand for a long time, to sit for a long time, to walk, etc. I still do those things; it is just that I have difficulty doing them because of the osteoarthritis.

I have found, that when I sweep or mop, I have to sit down for a few minutes afterwards until the pain becomes less. It never really goes away, but it does retreat to background noise for a little while. Once the pain retreats, I go back to sweeping, to mopping, or to whatever I was doing.
As you can imagine, I do not get a lot of sleep at night. The reason for this is pain. When I move my knee, it hurts and the pain wakes me up. Under these conditions, I do not accomplish very much. Eventually, I will get everything done; it is just going to take me a while to do it.

I have an appointment on June 30 concerning treating the osteoarthritis. I have to do something, I am tired of the pain and I am tired of its effect on my life. I want to enjoy life again.

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