Wednesday, June 16, 2010

About this blog

‘Idál (Justice), 12 Núr (Light), 167 BE – Wednesday, June 16, 2010 about 6:24 AM Pacific Time

When I began this blog, the subject was transformation. I have gotten away from that subject and blogged about numerous other things that have little to do with transformation. Therefore, I have a choice to make. I can change the subject and the name of the blog or I can get back to blogging about the various aspects of spiritual transformation.

I am not going the blog title. That being the case, I have to get back to the subject of transformation. I would like to make a blog entry everyday, but this may not be possible. Life and living have a tendency to insert themselves into a person’s best-laid plans. I am definitely going to blog every other day, but reserve the option to blog everyday if something interesting happens in the process of transformation.

Since I live in Las Vegas and I am my mother’s caregiver, intriguing things happen in my life often. The events in my life give me good themes about the process of transformation. However, sometimes it is difficult to write about those events on the day they happen. I will blog about these events as soon as I can.

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