Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Housekeeping in Las Vegas

‘Idál (Justice), 7 Rahmat (Mercy), 167 BE – Wednesday, June 30, 2010 about 12:40 AM Pacific Time

So far it’s a good day, Mom helped sift the cat litter and she washed some of the dishes. I still have to sweep and mop the floors, which I will do sometime today. I am learning to accept good enough because I just don’t have the energy to large amounts of housecleaning in a single setting.

I have to do housework for a while and then I have to rest. I know part of the problem is my thyroid, but I’m not sure that is the entire issue. I’ll see my doctor sometime in July after my blood test results come back. I’m having the blood test on Friday and I will make an appointment with the doctor then. In the mean time, I’m keeping track of my symptoms perhaps she can suggest a solution.

In July I also have to make an appointment for Mom with her doctor. Mom just doesn’t seem to have the desire to do anything except sit on the couch or love seat. She talks about doing housework, but she doesn’t get around to doing it. Today, I ran dishwater in the sink and then ask her to wash the dishes. Part of Mom’s difficulties results from Alzheimer’s disease, but I don’t think that is the entire issue. Perhaps the best way to handle the situation is just to ask Mom to help me and see how she responds.

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