Sunday, May 21, 2017

A New Week Begins

I pick up my datebook, open it to the month of May, and look at today's date. It is Sunday, May 21, 2017. It is the fourth week of the month. It is the third Sunday in May. It is the beginning of a new week, with  wonderful possibilities. 

The Declaration of the Bab will be commemorated on the evening of May 22 about two hours after sunset. The Ascension of Baha'u'llah will be observed on May 28 at 3:00 AM. These are Holy Days which last from sundown to sundown, on which work should be suspended.  The day of the Declaration of the Bab begins at sunset on May 22 and ends at sunset on May 23. 

I know I won't be doing any surveys on those two Holy Days. I am planning to write a poem or essay about the Declaration of the Bab. I will also read the sacred scriptures and pray. Other than that I will play it by ear. 

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