Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Midweek Reflections on Sparking my Imagination

Today, Wednesday, May 23, the newsletters hit my inbox. The subject for the Contests & Activities newsletter was "Sparking your imagination". This week's editor discussed quotes as a means of igniting a writer's imagination. The author used quote to show that writers need to stay positive about their writing. I know, from personal experience, that quotes encourage me to remain positive while giving me ideas for poem. 

If you find yourself becoming despondent, which can lead to writer's block, find an inspiring quote. Once you find the quote, read it, and meditation or think about it before sitting down to write. Have a dictionary nearby, in case you come across a word you don't know.  These are just some things I've found that help me. I encourage you to find your own methods to overcome your self-doubt. Remember the important thing is to meditate on the quote after your read it. 

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