Thursday, August 01, 2013

Thankful Thursday: The first Thankful Thursday in August

Istijlál (Majesty), 1 Kamál (Perfection), 170 BE - Thursday, August 1, 2013 about 7:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am Thankful...
  1. that this is the first of five Thankful Thursday's in August because I can find at least fifty things to give thanks for;
  2. that a gentle morning breeze is blowing through the neighbors' oak and olive trees;
  3. that the half-broken limb on the pine tree in my front yard did not break off during the night and block my drive way;
  4. that there are beautiful while clouds scatter across the sky above Las Vegas this morning;
  5. that I remembered to freeze some coffee ice cubes yesterday and I can have a couple of glasses of iced coffee  today;
  6. that I placed a pitcher of water in the refrigerator yesterday so that I can have cold water today;
  7. that the morning sun is shining between the scattered clouds;
  8. that I have an area fan which keeps me cool while I am working at the computer;
  9. that I woke up in a positive mood this morning rather then being depressed;
  10. that I have some oranges to eat for breakfast and lunch.

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