Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday June 30, 2013 in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 7 Raḥmat (Mercy), 170 BE - Sunday, June 30, 2013 about 10:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Sunday Thoughts
  1.  Morning clouds disperse as temperatures rise
  2. Morning clouds disappear as the wind blows
  3. Another triple digit day
  4. Extreme heat warning continues
  5. Las Vegas suffers under 115 plus temperatures
  6. Remember to say cool or indoors
  7. Remember to drink plenty of liquids
  8. Remember to drink plenty of water
  9. I am a survivor

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thankful Thursday, June 27, 2013

Istiqlál (Independence), 5 Rahmat (Mercy), 170 BE – Thursday, June 27, 2013 after sunset Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am thankful...

  1. ... for iced coffee in a tall glass. I make my iced coffee by pouring a cup of hot coffee over coffee ice cubes. When I have leftover coffee, I heat it up in the microwave.
  2. ... that I received a container of milk with the June senior commodities, which I picked up on Wednesday morning.
  3. ... that I received a small jar of peanut butter with the June senior commodities.
  4. ... that I received two bottles of juice with the senior commodities. I received a bottle of apple juice in one bag and a bottle of grape juice in the other.
  5. ... that I saw a neighbor’s cat dozing in my backyard. I went into to kitchen to make a glass of coffee and when I looked out the window the cat was lying their. She (I think the cat is a she) raised her head to look at a bird.
  6. ... that I was able to purchase an individual watermelon when I went to the 99¢ store this morning. This is my first watermelon of 2013.
  7. ... that I learned a new word when I read Jane Ann  Morrison’s column in today’s edition of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. The word I learned is soporific, which refers to something that causes sleep or lethargy.
  8. ... that the 99¢ store, on the corner of East Charleston and Maryland Parkway in Las Vegas, opens at 7:00 AM. I can get in and out before the temperatures here hit triple digits.
  9. ... that I do not have a bathtub in this house. Instead of a bath, I have to take a shower. I have osteoarthritis in my knees and it is impossible for me to get out of a tub by myself.
  10. ... that I received a get well card from a friend today.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Midweek Reflections on Peanut Butter and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

‘Idál (Justice), 3 Rahmat (Mercy), 170 BE – Wednesday, June 26, 2013 about 7:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I picked up my senior food allotment for June. Included in the two bags were peanut butter and a package of American cheese. I almost have all the ingredients for a peanut butter or grilled cheese sandwich. I lack only one ingredient and that is the bread.

I did not get bread this morning because the place where I get the free bread does not open until 9:00 am. I picked up the two bags of food just after 8:00 this morning. Since there was cheese and a container of milk in the bags, I decided to come home. I did not want to let the perishables sit in the car while I was waiting for the other place to open.

I have to get bread tomorrow so that I can have a sandwich. I believe I will go to the 99¢ store in the morning. I think that store opens around 8:00 or 8:30, so I can get to the store and back home before it gets too hot. Then I can have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or I can make a grilled cheese sandwich. I have eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in almost three weeks. I did have a grilled cheese sandwich last week.

While I am at the 99¢ store, I need to purchase some coffee filters and see what kind of coffee they have. I am almost out of coffee and I will not be able to purchase any until about July 3. The 99¢ store may only have instant coffee, but that will do in a pinch. The important item right now is to bury a loaf or two of bread because I cannot have any type of sandwich without bread.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Saturday is Recyclable Pick Up

Fidál (Grace), 2 Rahmat (Mercy), 170 BE – Tuesday, June 25, 2013 about 6:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Saturday is the day recyclables picked up day in my neighborhood. Because I forgot to take the recyclables out the last two times, I have a two recyclable bins of newspapers. I do not have many cans or glass bottle, but I have a great many newspapers.

I have to make sure I have all of them out of the house and into the recyclable bins by Saturday. Then on either Friday night or Saturday morning, I have to carry the bins to the curb. The problem is a plastic bin full of papers is heavier then one full of cans or glass.

I know my left shoulder is going to give me problems. I have issues with the rotator cuff and carrying heavy items like a recyclable bin full of newspapers is not a good idea. Good idea or not, I have to get the bins to the curb this week, other wise the newspapers will just stack up.

Perhaps I can drag or push the bins to the curb instead of carrying them. I do not think it would be easier to get them to the curb, but it may prevent me from injuring my rotator cuff again. I will have to think about which method is easiest and safest.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Morning in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 1 Rahmat (Mercy), 170 BE – Monday, June 24, 2013 about 8:35 AM Pacific Time

Last night, despite the fact that it was partly cloudy, I saw the full moon. I took some trash to the garage and while I was out there, I looked up at the moon. The moon, brighter then normal, was shining through a break in the clouds. When I returned to the house, I started a poem. This morning I started another poem about the super moon because I was dissatisfied about the three lines I wrote last night.

supper moon shining
across the Las Vegas night
beautiful evening

There is still a cloud cover this morning, but it does not seem to bother the birds. When I went out to take the kitchen trash to the garage and pick up my paper, I heard a nightingale sing. As I look out my window, I see the morning sun reflecting off my garage and the fender of my car. Perhaps the day will be sunny after all.

good morning sunshine
nightingales greet morning
partly cloudy day

I have finished my first cup of warmed over morning coffee. It is time to post this entry and get on with something else. I still need to take some recyclable to the garage before it gets too hot, which makes me want to remain indoors.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Solstice 2013

Istiqlál (Independence), 17 Núr (Light), 170 BE – Friday, June 21, 2013 about 3:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time

summer solstice heat
triple digit temperatures
partly cloudy day

It is a beautiful partly cloudy afternoon in Las Vegas. Summer solstice always brings to mind watermelons and swimming. I do not intend to go swimming because I do not have a swimsuit, but I will purchase a watermelon next time I go to the grocery store.

summer solstice heat
an ice cold watermelon
a glass of sweet tea

It is the time of year for watermelon and sweet tea. As a child, I drink sweet tea because either my grandmother made or my mother who made sweet tea. As I grew older, I stopped drinking sweet tea; however, when I turned 65 I went back to drinking sweet tea because I realized that I liked it better then unsweetened tea.

I prefer to purchase jugs of sweet tea in the store because when I make it at home I always put too much sugar in the tea. When I go to restaurants, I order raspberry tea because it has the right amount of sweetness and it quenches my thirst.

summer solstice heat
a tall raspberry ice tea
a warm afternoon

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thankful Thursday June 20, 2013

Istiqlál (Independence), 16 Núr (Light), 170 BE – Thursday, June 20, 2013 about 2:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Today I am Thankful

  1. for the my bereavement group meetings on the first and third Wednesday of each month
  2. for the ice cube in my freezer so that I can have ice water or ice coffee this afternoon
  3. for the can of mixed fruit I at for lunch
  4. for a beautiful blue sky on the last day of spring
  5. for the wind blowing through the small elm tree growing at the corner of my garage
  6. for the neighbor’s dog that barks during the night
  7. for a working air conditioner
  8. for the positive mood I am in today
  9. for the electricity that powers my computer and my air conditioner
  10. for grilled cheese sandwiches

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I want to cry

Fidál (Grace), 14 Núr (Light), 170 BE – Tuesday, June 18, 2013 about 10:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I want to cry,
I don’t know why,
but I want to cry.

I’m not sure what the problem is, but suddenly I wanted to cry. It could be the results of my breakfast of eggs, cheese, and fish sticks. It could be something else causing this feeling. I feel as if I am descending into a well of depression. I feel like I am falling into a deep, dark pit. Therefore, I sit down to write about the way I feel.

Normally I would write about this feeling in my offline journal, Writing My Spiritual Journey; however, not this morning. I’m going to make this blog entry about the depression. Writing helps me figure out the reason for my dark mood. Writing, also, helps me overcome it; writing down my feels helps me sort out the reason for the way I feel.

The darkness has started to pass. I no longer want to cry, so I suspect it had something to do with my breakfast. I don’t know how that could be because I have ate those items for breakfast before and not wanted to cry. I should talk to my doctor about this the next time I see her, but I am not sure when my next appointment is supposed to occur. I think I had better call her office and find out.

I don’t think I’m supposed to see her before November or December. I could be wrong about that and since I don’t think the office has my new phone number they can’t get hold of me. I’ll give them a call with the new number.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Afternoon

Istiqlál (Independence), 10 Núr (Light), 170 BE - Friday, June 14, 2013 about 4:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Friday afternoon
The end of a long workweek
A breeze is blowing

Friday afternoon
Triple digit temperatures
Birds are in their nests

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Midweek Reflections on Triple Digit Temperatures

‘Idál (Justice), 8 Núr (Light), 170 BE – Wednesday, June 12, 2013 about 10:05 AM Pacific Time

Summer officially begins on June 21, but the summer temperatures begin in Las Vegas on June 1. We had extreme heat warning for the first five or six days of June because of the sudden raise in temperatures. The extreme heat warnings have stopped; however, we are still experiencing triple digit temperatures. We will not receive any more extreme heat warnings as long as the temperature stays below 110 degrees.

The first few day of June going out of the house, even in the morning, was difficult. I do not find it difficult any more, which is probably a good thing because I have to go to the bank and the grocery store on Thursday morning. Then next Monday I have an appointment with my eye doctor at 10:00 AM. I hope that it is cloudy next week because the clouds help lower the temperature a bit.

It is cloudy this morning, which indicates some humidity. The humidity does not seem to be a problem today or maybe I can deal with the humidity better then I could a couple of years ago. I do not think there is a chance for rain; at least the clouds do not look like rain clouds. I guess I should check the weather report online to see what to expect the rest of the day and tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Standing in the Sunshine: A Poem

Fiḍál (Grace), 7 Núr (light), 170 BE - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 about 11:48 AM Pacific Time

White clouds and blue sky
A bird flies over the roof of my garage
The sun cast weak shadows on a partly cloudy day

This morning,
When I went out to pick up the newspaper
I stood in the sunshine
I stood for five minutes
Feeling the warm rays
Penetrate my bare arms
And bringing me
Light's warm vitamins

Monday, June 10, 2013

Blue Monday June 10, 2013

Kamál (Perfection), 6 Núr (Light), 170 BE – Monday, June 10, 2013 about 7:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time

 Blue Monday is depressing. This morning I am having an issue with my stomach, which is causing my Blue Monday feelings. I think I am experiencing hyper-acidity this morning; however, I do not know why. I took my pill last night and I have not eaten anything that normally causes my hyper-acidity.

Eating breakfast will help, but I do not want to eat anything that may increase the problem. Considering the way my stomach feels, I think a can of applesauce might be a good breakfast. Applesauce is easy to digest and it is easy on my stomach. If I feel better this afternoon then I will fix something a bit more substantial.

Since I do not feel like driving this morning, I will go out on Tuesday. I have one bill I have to pay and I need to pick up a loaf of bread. I guess I should make a grocery list before I go, but before I make the grocery list, I have to check the online coupons on the grocery store website. I cannot purchase too much because of the bill I have to pay.

it is blue Monday
darkness and pain overtake
the sunshiny day

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Summer in Las Vegas: A Poem

Jamál (Beauty), 5 Núr (Light), 170 BE - Sunday, June 6, 2013 about 1:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time

unofficially summer
with triple digit temperatures
we wait for the solstice
to make the season official

excessive heat warnings
arrive on June 1
with temperatures exceeding
the century mark
summer become official
on the 21st of the month.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Friday morning inspiration

Istiqlál (Independence), 3 Núr (Light), 170 BE – Friday, June 7, 2013 about 6:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I looked out my window about dawn and watched the oak tree across the street. Dawn’s light appeared to transform the leaves from green to orange. It was a beautiful and inspiring sight on this Friday morning. Sights like that make me want to write haiku.

dawn’s beautiful light
turns green oak leaves to orange
summer is coming

This always happens, in the few weeks before summer. I will miss this sight when I move. I know I will find new inspiration for poems wherever I live. I know that, no matter where I find myself, I will find inspiration for haiku, but I will still miss the way dawn’s light turns the oak trees green leaves orange.

bright morning sunlight
casting dark tree shaped shadow
on neighborhood lawns

It is a beautiful morning in Las Vegas, the sky is cloudless and the sun is bright. This is a good day to find inspiration for all types of poetry. I like writing haiku because they are quick (sometimes) and short. I can write them and post them without worrying about syntax or grammar the way I do with prose.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Triple Digit Day in Las Vegas

Istijlál (Majesty), 2 Núr (Light), 170 BE - Thursday, June 6, 2013 about 7:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time

triple digit day
temperatures rising above
the century mark

triple digit day
an excessive heat warning
no record is set

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Midweek Reflections on Knowledge of Self

‘Idál (Justice), 1 Núr (Light), 170 BE - Wednesday, June 5, 2013 about 5:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I have encountered several tests this week and each one of these tests has given me information about myself. Each test has revealed area that need improvement. One area I need to improve is my grammar skills. The grammar skills that need improvement concerns run on sentences, inconsistent pronoun use, problems with punctuation, and tense usage.

Since these are areas I need to improve, I am going to change the way I make my blog entries. I think I will go back to the using my word processor to compose the entries and then upload them to my blog or attempt to post them by using my e-mail. I have never attempted that method before, so I am not sure what success I will have. The only thing I can do is try it and see if I can make the posts using that method. If I have problems with that method then I can always go back to copy and past.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

I am Looking for a Positive Attitude

Fiḍál (Grace), 19 ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur), 170 BE - Tuesday, June 4, 2013 about 8:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time

It's Tuesday, June 4, and I'm looking for a positive attitude. I'm not feeling very well so perhaps that's why my attitude is negative. I wrote a response to an image prompt for a blogging challenge I'm participating in on I wrote a poem in response to the prompt, so my response was neither too negative or too positive.

It was only after I wrote the response that my attitude began to turn negative. I've noticed that I can wake up in a positive mood, but after I've been up a while my positive attitude turns negative. Sometimes I'm not sure what causes the change and at other times I realize why my attitude changes. This morning I suspect it changed because of technical issues with one of my computers. When it comes to technology, I suspect I have issues with patience.

Sometimes my positive mood changes when I have difficulties with technology. I know that letting a piece of equipment affect my mood is silly. I have to figure out why technology issues bother me more then they should.  I guess the only way to do that is to attempt a free write exercise in my off line journal.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Flabbergasted - A Word My Grandmother used

Jamál (Beauty), 17 ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur), 170 BE - Sunday, June 2, 2013 about 9:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time

My grandmother used the word flabbergasted when something surprised, astounded, or amazed her. Until this morning, I had not thought of that word in years. It is not a word I normally use because in my mind it is out-of-date, but it is in the dictionary.

I was composing an entry for my blog about a poem which won an award in a contest and I thought of the word. As I considered the word, I realized it expressed my feelings when I read the e-mail about the prize. I learned about the award on Saturday as I was reading my e-mail; when I read about the award I simply stared at the screen and then reread the e-mail. My next action was to transfer the poem into the proper folder.

After thinking about the word, I think I will use it in a poem or short story. I have one short story in which flabbergasted would work. The reason it would work is that it expressed the feelings of the main character at a specific time in the story.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Afternoon naps and pencil shavings

Jalál (Glory), 16 ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur), 170 BE - Saturday, June 1 ,2013 about 4:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time

My afternoon nap dream...
pencil shaving in a cereal bowl
and a brown paper bag;
knocking at my door
with junk mail
they didn't want;
family members
coming and going
going and coming.

My afternoon nap dreams
become weirder and weirder
maybe I should
stop taking afternoon naps.