Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Midweek Reflections on Knowledge of Self

‘Idál (Justice), 1 Núr (Light), 170 BE - Wednesday, June 5, 2013 about 5:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I have encountered several tests this week and each one of these tests has given me information about myself. Each test has revealed area that need improvement. One area I need to improve is my grammar skills. The grammar skills that need improvement concerns run on sentences, inconsistent pronoun use, problems with punctuation, and tense usage.

Since these are areas I need to improve, I am going to change the way I make my blog entries. I think I will go back to the using my word processor to compose the entries and then upload them to my blog or attempt to post them by using my e-mail. I have never attempted that method before, so I am not sure what success I will have. The only thing I can do is try it and see if I can make the posts using that method. If I have problems with that method then I can always go back to copy and past.

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