Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Midweek Reflections on Triple Digit Temperatures

‘Idál (Justice), 8 Núr (Light), 170 BE – Wednesday, June 12, 2013 about 10:05 AM Pacific Time

Summer officially begins on June 21, but the summer temperatures begin in Las Vegas on June 1. We had extreme heat warning for the first five or six days of June because of the sudden raise in temperatures. The extreme heat warnings have stopped; however, we are still experiencing triple digit temperatures. We will not receive any more extreme heat warnings as long as the temperature stays below 110 degrees.

The first few day of June going out of the house, even in the morning, was difficult. I do not find it difficult any more, which is probably a good thing because I have to go to the bank and the grocery store on Thursday morning. Then next Monday I have an appointment with my eye doctor at 10:00 AM. I hope that it is cloudy next week because the clouds help lower the temperature a bit.

It is cloudy this morning, which indicates some humidity. The humidity does not seem to be a problem today or maybe I can deal with the humidity better then I could a couple of years ago. I do not think there is a chance for rain; at least the clouds do not look like rain clouds. I guess I should check the weather report online to see what to expect the rest of the day and tomorrow.

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