Sunday, March 31, 2013

March: A lion or a lamb?

Jamál (Beauty), 11 Bahá (Splendor), 170 BE - Sunday, March 31, 2013 about 3:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time

The wind is blowing this afternoon, but it is not roaring. March is not going out like a lion nor did it come in like a lion. March came in more like a disgruntled sheep then anything else. All month, the weather in Las Vegas has range from cool to nice; it never got too hot or too cold.

The wind blew, but not so bad that it knocked down trees . The wind blew hard enough to scatter trash along the side of the road, but not so hard as to get plastic trash bags caught in trees or oleander bushes. There were clouds, there was a bit of rain (at least, I remember finding a puddle in my driveway one morning).

All month the birds have sung and flitted from tree to tree. I just looked out my living room window and saw two bird flying across the sky. There is also a cloud that looks like a skeleton walking across the sky. That is the only clouds I see this afternoon. There is a strong breeze blowing because I see the limbs on the olive trees and pine tree waving. It is a nice day in Las Vegas.

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