Friday, March 01, 2013

Goal for the next 12 or 19 months

Istiqlál (Independence), 4 Ayyám-i-Há (The Days of Há, 169 B.E. - Friday, March 1, 2013 about 8:10 A.M. Pacific Time

I have problems posting to this blog on a regular basis. There are several reasons for this, one of the reasons is finding subjects and themes.  Then there is the issue of time and interruptions that occur regularly. Therefore, I have decided that the best way to handle these situations is to plan to post every other day. I will also use specific themes for each day. The following is a list of those themes and will begin with the next post.

Free Write Sunday
Quote of the Week Monday
Haibun-Haiku Tuesday
Midweek Reflections Wednesday
Thankful Thursday
Poetry form of the Week Friday
Recyclable Saturday

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