Sunday, March 10, 2013

Feeling better on a lazy Sunday

Jamál (Beauty), 9 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness) - Sunday, March 10, 2013 about 1:15 P.M. Pacific Time

It is Sunday afternoon and I am feeling better then I felt this morning or yesterday. I was in a mental fog all day Saturday, I was depressed and did not accomplish much. This afternoon, the fog has lifted; the problem is that I do not know what caused the problem.  All though, it could be the fact that I am still in mourning for my mother.

I miss Mom so much and now that spring is arriving the feeling has increased. Mom's 92nd birthday will be March 19. I suspect that is the problem, I cannot celebrate it with her this year and I am not sure how I am going to celebrate the day or her life. The are certain days and seasons that seem to affect me more then others.

Spring was Mom's favorite season. Mom liked the sunshine, the flowers, and the warmer temperatures. Mom enjoyed going out to eat on her birthday. Mom enjoyed going to poetry readings, the nineteen-day Feasts, and Holy Day commemorations. Mom enjoyed getting in the car and riding around Las Vegas.

As I said, I am feeling better and the mental fog that concealed yesterday and this morning is gone. I want to cry and I want to eat strawberry pie. Strawberry pie was Mom's favorite desert. Mom also liked fried ice cream. I should eat one of Mom's favorite deserts on her birthday and then visit her grave.

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