Sunday, November 13, 2011

A New Week Begins: Hope sees a bright future

It’s Sunday, November 13, 2011, and a new week begins. I realized today that hope always sees a bright future. Even when clouds hide the sun, hope remembers the warm rays and smiles. I’m just recovering from a bad case of psoriasis brought on by stress and worry.

Ever since Mom lost her hearing aids and I had to pay for a new pair, I’ve worried. I’ve worried over everything and it’s brought on a bout of psoriasis. I know that worry doesn’t cause psoriasis, but it does encourage an outbreak. The psoriasis on my left leg is especially bad, but all I have right now is the topical that I apply once a day. It helps, but it’s slow.

Everyday this week I’ve encountered a situation that cause stress and I can’t afford any more stress. My Medicare kicks in December 1 and I can’t see my new doctor until after that date. This means I have to handle stress differently because worrying about the stressful situation doesn’t make sense when I know the worry will encourage a psoriasis outbreak.

Writing and prayer help alleviate the stress. The problem is that I haven’t been doing a lot of either for a while. I need to get back to my old routine of prayer and writing. In order to do either, I need a little alone time. The situation does not encourage this. I now have my brother-in-law sleeping on a couch and it’s stressing me out.

I’m almost to the point of giving up, but that won’t help. Besides giving up isn’t an option. It’s something I think about when every occurrence in my life causes stress. I need to look at the coming week with the eyes of hope because hope always sees a bright future.

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