Tuesday, November 22, 2011

2011 a Stress Filled Year

Fidál (Grace), 19 Qudrat (Power), 168 BE – Tuesday, November 22, 2011 about 1:30 PM Pacific Time

2011 a stress filled year, which may explain why I got this Baha’i year (168 BE) confused with last year (167 BE). The stress was so bad that my psoriases got worse instead of better. The situation has calmed down a bit, my psoriasis is getting better and I have got my dates straight again.

What caused all this stress? I think it was a combination of issues. I am my mother’s caregiver and she has Alzheimer’s disease. Then there were the financial issues plus a bunch of other things; everything just pilled up and I stressed out. Even though the stress is still present, my life is becoming calmer.

I am meditating on the prayers revealed by Baha’u’llah, and the Bab, as well as those written by ‘Abdu’l-Baha. I am writing my problems in an offline journal, instead of using the journal as a place to rant. Ranting seems to increase the stress, while free writing about the issue helps find a solution. Prayer and journaling is the best way to alleviate stress and find solutions to my problems.

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