Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Midweek Reflections: Giving an Alzheimer’s patient medication

‘Idál (Justice), 1 Qawl (Speech), 168 BE – Wednesday, November 23, 2011 about 12:55 PM Pacific Time

As I have written before, sometimes Mom doesn’t want to take her medication. Normally, it’s simply a matter of gentle persuasions. At other times, it’s a matter of backing off and waiting a few minutes for Mom to calm down and forget that I attempted to give her the meds. Then there are those times when the only way to get her to take a pill is to hide it in her food.

The doctor recently increased one of Mom’s medications from once a day to three times a day. During the week, the nurse at the Adult Daycare center gives her two of the tablets and I give her the third at home. Since Mom usually goes to bed about 6:00 PM, this requires me to wake Mom and give her the third tablet.

In some ways it’s easier to give Mom the medication and in other ways more difficult. I know that sounds like a paradox, but it’s true. Mom does not argue about taking the medication, therefore, once I have convinced her that she needs to take it and drink water with it she does. However, Mom does not wake up easily from a sound sleep; in fact, none of my family wakes up easily from a sound sleep.

Once I have Mom sitting up in bed. I have to make sure she is awake enough to take the pill and then drink some water. I think tonight, I will use a teaspoon to put the pill in her mouth. I’m not sure how well it will work that time of night, but it may be easier then putting the pill in her hand and then having her put the tablet in her mouth.

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